Project Type: Branding

Tailwater Instruments Branding & Instrument Headstock Inlay

Tailwater Instruments Branding & Instrument Headstock Inlay

We had the chance to devel­op brand­ing for Tail­wa­ter Instru­ments, a Col­o­ra­do-based instru­ment com­pa­ny. Like many blue­grass musi­cians in Col­orado, the Tail­wa­ter founders have a close con­nec­tion to fly fish­ing in the state’s pris­tine moun­tain rivers. We devel­oped a list of near­ly 100 brand names relat­ed to Col­orado, fly fish­ing, pow­der ski­ing, and more. The […]

Peak Ecological Services Rebranding

Peak Ecological Services Rebranding

Not every exist­ing busi­ness requires a full rede­vel­op­ment of their brand iden­ti­ty. Some busi­ness­es may have start­ed with some­thing tem­po­rary or home-made that just end­ed up becom­ing part of their iden­ti­ty over time. Instead of start­ing from scratch and incur­ring many thou­sands of dol­lars of cost, some busi­ness­es can hire Fer­mentable Sug­ar to take their […]

Colorado BBQ Branding

Colorado BBQ Branding

We were approached by High­side Brew­ing to split off their BBQ busi­ness into a new brand. They were set on the name Col­orado BBQ so we set out to build a brand iden­ti­ty that would match their vision. Part of their phys­i­cal iden­ti­ty is to serve food out of a food truck (even though their […]

Highside Brewing Branding Refresh

Highside Brewing Branding Refresh

High­side Brew­ing came to us in ear­ly 2021 for some graph­ic design guid­ance. They were begin­ning to ramp up their brew­ing pro­duc­tion to expand dis­tri­b­u­tion through­out the Front Range of Col­orado. We worked on a num­ber of 16 ounce tall­boy can designs but also took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to refresh their brand iden­ti­ty. A refresh was […]

StillWest Brewery & Grill Branding

StillWest Brewery & Grill Branding

Still­West Brew­ery & Grill opened in Jack­son, Wyoming in 2018 in a brand-new cus­­tom-built build­ing direct­ly across the street from the in-town ski hill Snow King. They brew 10 beers in their build­ing and Still­West­’s brew­house is vis­i­ble through a glass wall, right behind the bar. Their cov­ered patio has one of the pret­ti­est views […]

Dos Luces Brewery Branding

Dos Luces Brewery Branding

Dos Luces Brew­ery applies a mod­ern craft brew­ing process to Pre-Columbian fer­ment­ed bev­er­ages. They’re also one of the only brew­eries in the coun­try who brew Chicha (an Incan bev­er­age) and Pulque (made by the Aztecs, Maya, and oth­ers). Own­ers Judd Bel­stock & Sam Alcaine want­ed to pay homage to the vibrant artis­tic tra­di­tions of Central […]

Atom Brewing Company Branding

Atom Brewing Company Branding

When we worked with Atom Brew­ing Com­pa­ny’s orig­i­nal­ly, their brand was intend­ed to be inspired by retro 1950s Space-age com­ic-book cul­ture. Before they opened, how­ev­er, own­ers Jeff & Chris Porn shift­ed their busi­ness mod­el to focus on wood-aged farm­house beers, sour beers & in gen­er­al tak­ing a more old-world approach to brew­ing. We took their […]

Makers After Dark Branding

Makers After Dark Branding

Fer­mentable Sug­ar was hired by the NoCo Mini Mak­er Faire to run a one-of-a-kind event: a dis­tillers fes­ti­val but with robots & fire. Kick­ing off the 2015 Mak­er Faire in Love­land, Col­orado, we orga­nized a suc­cess­ful fes­ti­val that fea­tured 15 Col­orado dis­til­leries and numer­ous mak­ers. We had fire poofers who launched flames 25 feet in […]