Project Type: Branding

The Rackhouse Branding

The Rackhouse Branding

Orig­i­nal­ly sit­u­at­ed “in the bosom of Stranahan’s Col­orado Whiskey Dis­tillery”, The Rack­house is a Den­ver restau­rant now locat­ed in the trendy RiNo neigh­bor­hood in Cen­tral Den­ver. A rack­house is the loca­tion of a dis­tillery where they age whiskey in charred White Amer­i­can Oak bar­rels. Fer­mentable Sug­ar devel­oped retro brand­ing that reflect­ed the Rack­house Pub’s unique […]

Funny or True? Game Show Branding

Funny or True? Game Show Branding

Pro­fes­sor Peter McGraw does a lot of things. He’s a tenured pro­fes­sor of Mar­ket­ing & Psy­chol­o­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Col­orado. His TEDxBoul­der talk has near­ly a mil­lion views (we did all the slide design for him, too). He’s a behav­ioral sci­en­tist who found­ed the Humor Research Lab (aka HuRL). He’s trav­eled the world searching […]

Bierstadt Lagerhaus Branding

Bierstadt Lagerhaus Branding

Bier­stadt Lager­haus is a brew­ery in Den­ver. The brew­ers are the very capa­ble Bill Eye (for­mer head brew­er at Dry Dock and owner/brewer at Prost Brew­ing), Ash­leigh Carter (for­mer­ly at Dry Dock & Prost), and Chris Rippe (for­mer­ly of Fly­ing Dog Brew­ery & pro­pri­etor of The Rack­house). Visu­al Brand­ing Once it was decid­ed that Bill, […]

Goldspot Brewing Company Branding

Goldspot Brewing Company Branding

I was approached by Goldspot Brew­ing Com­pa­ny to do brand­ing work for them. Now open at 50th and Low­ell in the Berke­ley Neigh­bor­hood of Den­ver (near Reg­is Uni­ver­si­ty), Fer­mentable Sug­ar worked with Matt Hugh­es & Alex Sward from Goldspot to iden­ti­fy what iconog­ra­phy they want­ed to use in their logo. The brew­ery name comes from […]

The Humor Code Branding

The Humor Code Branding

Peter McGraw & Joel Warn­er trav­eled the world through­out 2012 research­ing what makes things fun­ny around the globe. They turned their expe­ri­ences into a book, chron­i­cling their trav­els & find­ings. Call­ing their book The Humor Code, Pete & Joel need­ed visu­al brand­ing, busi­ness cards and a web­site to keep their fans up-to-date on their travels. […]

Colorado Distillers Festival Branding

Colorado Distillers Festival Branding

The Col­orado Dis­tillers Fes­ti­val was an annu­al event held at The Rack­house Pub. We invit­ed all mem­bers of the Col­orado Dis­tillers Guild and donat­ed a por­tion of the pro­ceeds back to the guild. Fer­mentable Sug­ar was respon­si­ble for devel­op­ing all mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als for the event, pro­mot­ing it in both print and on social media, as […]

Chinook Seedery Branding

Chinook Seedery Branding

Name Ideation Fer­mentable Sug­ar pre­sent­ed about 50 pos­si­ble com­pa­ny names to the client, who sells all-pre­mi­um nat­ur­al sun­flower seeds. The client select­ed Chi­nook Seed­ery out of the options. A Chi­nook is a warm wind that blows across the west­ern part of North Amer­i­ca, a prime loca­tion for grow­ing sun­flow­ers to har­vest their seeds. Visu­al Brand­ing The […]

Alembic Media, LLC Branding

Alembic Media, LLC Branding

Brand­ing project for Alem­bic Media, a bou­tique media firm that spe­cial­izes in bespoke writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tions for the Marine and Out­door indus­tries based in Seat­tle, Wash­ing­ton. Alem­bic was inter­est­ed in a sail­ing-themed visu­al iden­ti­ty that could also be con­strued as an abstract­ed A. Oth­er pro­posed brand­ing designs