Archives: Work

Tailwater Instruments Branding & Instrument Headstock Inlay

Tailwater Instruments Branding & Instrument Headstock Inlay

We had the chance to devel­op brand­ing for Tail­wa­ter Instru­ments, a Col­o­ra­do-based instru­ment com­pa­ny. Like many blue­grass musi­cians in Col­orado, the Tail­wa­ter founders have a close con­nec­tion to fly fish­ing in the state’s pris­tine moun­tain rivers. We devel­oped a list of near­ly 100 brand names relat­ed to Col­orado, fly fish­ing, pow­der ski­ing, and more. The […]

Tailwater Instruments Website

Tailwater Instruments Website

Along with the brand­ing, we devel­oped a web­site for Tail­wa­ter Instru­ments. We pho­tographed the Tail­wa­ter TW-F5 man­dolin in a vari­ety of loca­tions, both on-site near fly fish­ing rivers, in music shops, and in a pho­tog­ra­phy stu­dio to achieve a wide vari­ety of engag­ing visu­al ele­ments. The result­ing web­site helps a prospec­tive own­er under­stand more about […]

Peak Ecological Services Rebranding

Peak Ecological Services Rebranding

Not every exist­ing busi­ness requires a full rede­vel­op­ment of their brand iden­ti­ty. Some busi­ness­es may have start­ed with some­thing tem­po­rary or home-made that just end­ed up becom­ing part of their iden­ti­ty over time. Instead of start­ing from scratch and incur­ring many thou­sands of dol­lars of cost, some busi­ness­es can hire Fer­mentable Sug­ar to take their […]

Karasik Lloyd Loar Mandolin Website

Karasik Lloyd Loar Mandolin Website

Emi­ly Wil­son is a pro­fes­sion­al man­dolin play­er and teacher who came into the pos­ses­sion of the Karasik Man­dolin, a very rare 1923 Gib­son F‑5 mod­el, signed by Lloyd Loar. Loar was respon­si­ble for mak­ing the pro­to­typ­i­cal man­dolin that blue­grass musi­cians pre­fer the most, and only a few hun­dred Loar-signed instru­ments exist. While the man­dolin was […]

Colorado BBQ Website

Colorado BBQ Website

After we built the visu­al iden­ti­ty for Col­orado BBQ, we worked dili­gent­ly to devel­op a web­site that would both be visu­al­ly appeal­ing as well as per­form well from a SEO per­spec­tive. We took a mobile-first approach to the site to ensure that the web­site would look pro­fes­sion­al as well as load quick­ly. A clear and […]

Colorado BBQ Branding

Colorado BBQ Branding

We were approached by High­side Brew­ing to split off their BBQ busi­ness into a new brand. They were set on the name Col­orado BBQ so we set out to build a brand iden­ti­ty that would match their vision. Part of their phys­i­cal iden­ti­ty is to serve food out of a food truck (even though their […]

Highside Brewing Branding Refresh

Highside Brewing Branding Refresh

High­side Brew­ing came to us in ear­ly 2021 for some graph­ic design guid­ance. They were begin­ning to ramp up their brew­ing pro­duc­tion to expand dis­tri­b­u­tion through­out the Front Range of Col­orado. We worked on a num­ber of 16 ounce tall­boy can designs but also took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to refresh their brand iden­ti­ty. A refresh was […]