Inland Island Yeast Website


Inland Island Yeast Laboratories





Col­orado is not only a hub for craft brew­eries but the mate­ri­als providers them­selves. There is hardy bar­ley & hop farm­ing around the state, and more than one local yeast prop­a­ga­tor lab­o­ra­to­ry. Inland Island Yeast Lab­o­ra­to­ries is the pre­mier busi­ness for order­ing and grow­ing yeast for brew­ing. Trust­ed by dozens of brew­eries around the Unit­ed States, includ­ing 4 Noses Brew­ing Com­pa­ny, Odd13 Brew­ing, Ratio Beer­works & Ups­lope Brew­ing Com­pa­ny, Inland Island is high­ly regard­ed through­out the brew­ing com­mu­ni­ty — their yeast helped brew­ers win 12 medals at the 2019 Great Amer­i­can Beer Festival.

Inland Island streaked & grew a num­ber of yeast plates that Fer­mentable Sug­ar pho­tographed to use as an engag­ing visu­al con­tent on their home­page. We also worked close­ly with Inland Island to build a site that makes it easy to view all the dozens of strains they have avail­able, and to make the order­ing process as easy as pos­si­ble. The “Yeast for Pro­fes­sion­al Brew­ers” page has a dynam­ic order form that changes depend­ing on how a brew­ery answers a few crit­i­cal ques­tions. Of note, one of the coolest parts is a cus­tomized deliv­ery cal­en­dar. Depend­ing on what the brew­ery selects (couri­er deliv­ery, local pick­up, or overnight ship­ping), the avail­able dates for deliv­ery change based on what was select­ed. This gives the cus­tomer an idea of when they can real­is­ti­cal­ly expect their order to be ready.