Nina Rolle Voiceover Website


Nina Rolle





Nina Rolle is an affa­ble voiceover artist who is ver­sa­tile, coach­able, and pro­fes­sion­al. Her voiceover tal­ents span from text-to-speech to com­mer­cials to video games to e‑learning, and every­where in-between. We built Nina a pro­fes­sion­al web­site to high­light her amaz­ing voice, but beyond that we designed it to show­case Nina’s funky and fun-lov­ing style. As is the case with many of the lead­ing voiceover artist web­sites, we made her site as one very long page. Nina’s demos and video spots are fea­tured promi­nent­ly at the top of the site to sat­is­fy the needs of a fast-mov­ing agency cre­ative direc­tor or hir­ing agent — they want to get the sam­ples as soon as pos­si­ble. But as you move down the page you get to know Nina even bet­ter than just what her voice sounds like, from her design style (we used one of her favorite Kil­im pil­lows as sec­tion dividers) to her pas­sions (like sus­tain­able liv­ing, wind ener­gy, and elec­tric cars) to her sense of humor (we com­mis­sioned NYC-based illus­tra­tor Jack­ie Vec­chit­to to cre­ate “visu­al rhymes” to help read­ers under­stand how to pro­nounce Nina’s last name).