Archives: Work

Dos Luces Brewery Website

Dos Luces Brewery Website

We rebuilt Dos Luces’ web­site in 2020 to bet­ter show­case the brew­ery online. Web­site build­ing tech­nol­o­gy has come a long way in the last few years since we orig­i­nal­ly launched the Dos Luces brand, and we lever­aged those tools to redesign it from the ground up. The result­ing site is eas­i­ly nav­i­ga­ble, high­ly on-brand, and […]

Peter McGraw Website

Peter McGraw Website

Peter McGraw is a mul­ti-tal­en­t­ed human being. He’s a pro­fes­sor, an author, a keynote speak­er, a humor researcher, a pod­cast­er, a world trav­el­er, and so much more. We worked togeth­er to build a new web­site that would show­case his many spe­cial­ties, espe­cial­ly his prowess as a keynote speak­er and his 2020 book Shtick To Business: […]

Bierstadt Lagerhaus Food Menu Photography

Bierstadt Lagerhaus Food Menu Photography

When The Rack­house & Bier­stadt Lager­haus rolled out a new food menu in Jan­u­ary 2020, we were hired to take some attrac­tive pho­tos of their Ger­­man-inspired fare. The most imme­di­ate need was to get their Toast Tab online order­ing site online, but these pho­tos can be used for a num­ber of dif­fer­ent uses, includ­ing social […]

Hotel Concierge Brochure

Hotel Concierge Brochure

We devel­oped a unique 4 page brochure for Still­West Brew­ery & Grill that high­lights all the busi­ness­es that reside in their build­ing, and update it sea­son­al­ly. They are then dis­trib­uted to all the hotel concierges in the Jack­son, Wyoming area. When vaca­tion­ers are ask­ing for rec­om­men­da­tions, the hotel employ­ees can show them this brochure to […]

Tiemeier & Stich Website

Tiemeier & Stich Website

This is the third web­site we’ve devel­oped over the last 10 years for Tiemeier & Stich, a law firm in Col­orado & Mon­tana. Each time we build a new site for them, Fer­mentable Sug­ar LLC updates their web­site to fit new stan­dards in web devel­op­ment & tech­nol­o­gy. This newest iter­a­tion is a visu­al­ly appeal­ing site […]

StillWest Oktoberfest T‑Shirt

StillWest Oktoberfest T‑Shirt

We art direct­ed New York-based illus­tra­tor Jaclyn Vec­chit­to to achieve a fun design for Still­West Brew­ery & Gril­l’s 2019 Okto­ber­fest cel­e­bra­tion. I worked with the client to devel­op a cre­ative brief that we sent to Jaclyn, who gave us a num­ber of sketch­es to pick from before mov­ing to a final. We ulti­mate­ly want­ed to […]