Solo Clubs Website


Peter McGraw





Peter McGraw is a fre­quent col­lab­o­ra­tor of ours, and he came to us with a spe­cif­ic vision. Pete is a jack-of-all-trades, or what­ev­er you would call some­one who is even more than that. He’s a pro­fes­sor, humor researcher, book writer, world trav­el­er, keynote speak­er, pod­cast­er, and now he’s the founder Club­house Clubs that have mem­ber num­bers in the tens of thou­sands. Club­house is a rel­a­tive­ly new social media app that focus­es on “rooms” of peo­ple talk­ing about spe­cif­ic sub­jects. Pete’s clubs are diverse, but a few focus on the Solo life — this is an off­shoot of his suc­cess­ful pod­cast Solo. Whether it’s liv­ing a remark­able Solo life, trav­el­ing Solo, or even being a solo­pre­neur, Pete’s clubs have you covered.

One of the prob­lems with Club­house is that there are no read­i­ly avail­able hubs for these Clubs.

So we built one. is the one-stop-shop for all things relat­ed to Solo. It has even cal­en­dars for all the upcom­ing rooms. It’s a repos­i­to­ry for all the mod­er­a­tors of his var­i­ous Clubs. There are Room Rules, a newslet­ter signup, and soon will fea­ture writ­ten con­tent about what’s hap­pened in the rooms late­ly, as Peter starts to expand on the ground­work that his Club­house clubs have lain. We built the site to take design cues from Club­house­’s iOS app. So you will see a lot of beige, round­ed cor­ners, plen­ty of emo­ji, and even styl­ized images of the mods (Club­house folks call them “AVIs”). We paired that design with Pete’s Solo brand­ing, typog­ra­phy and col­ors to come up

The site may not be large, but it’s large­ly built on dynam­ic con­tent. This allows us to very eas­i­ly update con­tent on the site, whether it’s adding a new club, adding mod­er­a­tors or their var­i­ous social media links, orga­nized blog posts, and more. The Solo Trav­el page is a great exam­ple of a long-form web­page that is well orga­nized and easy to read on all plat­forms, cre­at­ing a seam­less view­ing expe­ri­ence no mat­ter how you’re using the site.