
StillWest Oktoberfest T‑Shirt


StillWest Brewery & Grill




Apparel Design

We art direct­ed New York-based illus­tra­tor Jaclyn Vec­chit­to to achieve a fun design for Still­West Brew­ery & Gril­l’s 2019 Okto­ber­fest cel­e­bra­tion. I worked with the client to devel­op a cre­ative brief that we sent to Jaclyn, who gave us a num­ber of sketch­es to pick from before mov­ing to a final. We ulti­mate­ly want­ed to take the rich visu­al his­to­ry of Okto­ber­fest and pair it with the large ani­mals found in and around Yel­low­stone Nation­al Park, just a short dri­ve from Jack­son, Wyoming. Jaclyn’s illus­tra­tive work often fea­tures anthro­po­mor­phized ver­sions of ani­mals and she was a nat­ur­al fit for the project. Print­ed on heather blue shirts.



Initial Sketches