Fermentable Sugar’s Results-Oriented Collaborative Process

As a design & mar­ket­ing agency, our ulti­mate goal is for you to end up with mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als that gets results. We will work with you to bring your vision to real­i­ty and come to the table with some inno­v­a­tive & unique ideas that you may have nev­er considered.

We achieve all of this through a process of candid collaboration with our clients.

As part of our com­mit­ment to high-grav­i­ty and pre­mi­um design, Fer­mentable Sug­ar takes a very hon­est and frank approach when work­ing with our clients. We aren’t try­ing to hurt our clients’ feel­ings or dimin­ish their opin­ions, but we are out­spo­ken and will speak up when we know that a project or con­cept can be designed or exe­cut­ed better. 

You deserve an agency that isn’t afraid to fight for what they think is right; if you’re look­ing for an agency full of “yes men” then you might want to look elsewhere.

We care pas­sion­ate­ly about what we do as a design and mar­ket­ing agency, and it shows in every aspect of our process, from a pro­jec­t’s incep­tion through the design stages and ulti­mate­ly to the point where it’s unleashed on consumers.

“For more than ten years, Josh has been my ‘go to’ design­er for logos, pre­sen­ta­tion decks, and web­sites. He is a star! Josh is high­ly cre­ative, a great com­mu­ni­ca­tor, and a total pro­fes­sion­al. Besides his world-class design capa­bil­i­ties, one of his best attrib­ut­es is his abil­i­ty to fig­ure out what clients need and bring them solu­tions that they don’t know that they need.”

- Peter McGraw, Pro­fes­sor, Author, and Direc­tor of the Humor Research Lab

Proposals & A Scope Of Work

After 20 years in the design indus­try, we’ve become adept at antic­i­pat­ing curve­balls and poten­tial pitfalls.

It’s crit­i­cal to estab­lish an under­stand­ing of cost, deliv­er­ables, and dead­lines for each project. Fer­mentable Sug­ar will ask plen­ty of ques­tions to get a bet­ter idea of the scope of work nec­es­sary to exe­cute your vision and goals.

Our trans­par­ent billing process will pro­tect you from stick­er shock on large projects. When a project moves beyond the scope of the orig­i­nal agree­ment you’ll be alert­ed before extra fees might be incurred. 

We don’t like being sur­prised finan­cial­ly, and we don’t like to sub­ject our clients to it either.

I have worked with a lot of cre­atives and a lot of con­trac­tors on projects over the years. There is a fine line between lis­ten­ing to the client and deliv­er­ing their needs and being the author­i­ty, and hav­ing the con­fi­dence to advise them when they are not quite under­stand­ing the ram­i­fi­ca­tions of their actions. Fer­mentable Sug­ar bal­ances that equa­tion as well as I have encoun­tered in my expe­ri­ence. Josh is not try­ing to jam you into the frame­work that is eas­i­est or most con­ve­nient for him, rather ensur­ing that your needs are met and that the deliv­er­able is of the high­est qual­i­ty and best rep­re­sents you.”

- Jensen Cum­mings, Brewed Food and Inland Island Yeast Laboratories

Kick Off Meetings

When we have our kick off meet­ing, we voice our opin­ions from the start. We will also absolute­ly lis­ten and learn about your busi­ness, its short-term and long-term goals, and your vision, and we will begin the process of work­ing with you as part­ners to cre­ate high-grav­i­ty mar­ket­ing materials.

Work­ing with Josh on web­site devel­op­ment has cre­at­ed seam­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion for our brew­ery teams. He’s orga­nized, thought­ful, and thor­ough about the process— I’ve learned a lot from him in a short time and I look for­ward to future projects togeth­er.

- Emi­ly Hut­to,


We hit the ground run­ning to pro­duce the first draft of your ini­tial deliv­er­ables. This could as sim­ple as a hand-out fly­er, or it could be a new cor­po­rate iden­ti­ty, or pack­ag­ing for a new series of craft beers you’re about to launch. We lever­age our exhaus­tive exper­tise and col­lab­o­ra­tion with the client to work quick­ly and efficiently.


Your constructive input is invaluable.

The con­struc­tive feed­back a client gives to their agency is one of the most crit­i­cal parts of the design process. It’s com­plete­ly nor­mal to tell your agency that you don’t like ele­ments of the designs we’re pre­sent­ing to you. But we also need to work togeth­er to iden­ti­fy what does not res­onate with you. 

Work­ing dili­gent­ly to under­stand the “why” of a client reac­tion is what allows us to move for­ward and achieve a final prod­uct that not only sat­is­fies our clients but is also effec­tive and impactful.

We also ask you to lis­ten to why we made the choic­es we did if we believe cer­tain aspects of the design are impor­tant. Hon­esty is impor­tant and so is open­ness. Fer­mentable Sug­ar has been in this busi­ness for 20 years, so our exper­tise is rel­e­vant. We want to work with you to get deliv­er­ables that look great and are effec­tive at grow­ing your business.


When we col­lect your feed­back on the design, we will work to get as many specifics about any changes right then and there. Addi­tion­al­ly, if we believe that our design choic­es are impor­tant, then we will work to clear­ly explain to you why it’s the right choice.

Finished Product

Our goal is to devel­op visu­al­ly appeal­ing design and mar­ket­ing that gets results. The process we use for clients large and small has yield­ed dozens of sat­is­fied cus­tomers since 2010, most of whom have part­nered with us on mul­ti­ple addi­tion­al projects.