
Karasik Lloyd Loar Mandolin Website


Karasik Mandolin Project





Emi­ly Wil­son is a pro­fes­sion­al man­dolin play­er and teacher who came into the pos­ses­sion of the Karasik Man­dolin, a very rare 1923 Gib­son F‑5 mod­el, signed by Lloyd Loar. Loar was respon­si­ble for mak­ing the pro­to­typ­i­cal man­dolin that blue­grass musi­cians pre­fer the most, and only a few hun­dred Loar-signed instru­ments exist. While the man­dolin was a loan from her old teacher’s estate, the time has come for her to secure invest­ment to pur­chase the man­dolin. We built this web­site as a hub for the Karasik Man­dolin, so that Emi­ly could main­tain a sol­id web pres­ence as she works to secure more than $100,000 in fund­ing to pur­chase the instru­ment. We have set up a YouTube feed of the Karasik Man­dolin Project chan­nel — the project aims to have as many musi­cians play this unique instru­ment as pos­si­ble, and doc­u­ments a song that they’ve played on it. The result­ing web­site is a dynam­ic site that looks stun­ning across all devices.