
Lone Tree Brewing Company Website


Lone Tree Brewing Company





Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny is the first craft brew­ery to be locat­ed in Lone Tree, Col­orado — one of the sub­urbs south of Den­ver. Now they’re one of the larg­er brew­eries in the metro area, with robust busi­ness in their tap room as well as mul­ti­ple accounts on tap and in liquor stores & super­mar­kets. We devel­oped a robust web­site to match their growth and stature in the community.

Their pre­vi­ous web­site lacked the pol­ish and pro­fes­sion­al­ism that Lone Tree Brew­ing Com­pa­ny deserved, and they hired Fer­mentable Sug­ar to build a new one on their behalf. We worked close­ly with co-own­er Jer­ry Siote and Tap Room Man­ag­er Mike Web­ster to under­stand the require­ments of this new web­site. Rad­Craft devel­oped the writ­ten con­tent and recipes for cook­ing with beer. Togeth­er & col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly the site came togeth­er to fea­ture LTBC’s brand­ing from Anthem Brand­ing as well as the brand stan­dards that were established.

The result­ing web­site is very easy to nav­i­gate, easy to main­tain and update, and show­cas­es their pack­aged beers, what’s on tap in the tap room, and the food trucks & events that are hap­pen­ing there dai­ly. Like all of the sites built by Fer­mentable Sug­ar LLC, the site is opti­mized for all devices — from com­put­ers to tablets to phones — so that the user expe­ri­ence is stan­dard­ized from device to device.