
Tailwater Instruments Branding & Instrument Headstock Inlay


Tailwater Instruments





We had the chance to devel­op brand­ing for Tail­wa­ter Instru­ments, a Col­orado-based instru­ment com­pa­ny. Like many blue­grass musi­cians in Col­orado, the Tail­wa­ter founders have a close con­nec­tion to fly fish­ing in the state’s pris­tine moun­tain rivers. We devel­oped a list of near­ly 100 brand names relat­ed to Col­orado, fly fish­ing, pow­der ski­ing, and more. The client decid­ed on Tail­wa­ter — the stretch of a riv­er below a dam that often has won­der­ful fish­ing because of the con­trolled amount of water released from the dam. Often a river’s tail­wa­ters are more fish­able, even when oth­er rivers are run­ning too fast or too high.

We also had the amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to use the brand­ing to devel­op a cus­tom abalone and moth­er of pearl inlay design for the TW-F5 man­dolin head­stock. It’s exhil­a­rat­ing to see our designs end up on some­thing so tan­gi­ble and unique.