The Grateful Gnome Website


The Grateful Gnome





The Grate­ful Gnome is a craft brew­ery, a New Jer­sey-style deli, and a music venue, all wrapped into one. Delayed by a neigh­bor­ing build­ing scaf­fold­ing col­lapse, The Grate­ful Gnome took far longer to open than antic­i­pat­ed. As they got ready to open, we helped the out by devel­op­ing a web­site for them quick­ly and effi­cient­ly and afford­ably. The web­site tries to por­tray their funky hip­pie jam-band style, while also hav­ing easy access to the cur­rent beers on tap, and their exten­sive sand­wich menu. We were able to use font replace­ment to use their main brand­ed type­face through­out the site, help­ing them main­tain a con­sis­tent brand iden­ti­ty through­out all their mar­ket­ing efforts. Adding in their Insta­gram feed on the home­page keeps the site fresh­ly updat­ed with ease. An events cal­en­dar feeds from Face­book, allow­ing the Grate­ful Gnome to update their events in just one place instead of hav­ing to update cal­en­dars all over the internet.