Colorado BBQ Website


Colorado BBQ





After we built the visu­al iden­ti­ty for Col­orado BBQ, we worked dili­gent­ly to devel­op a web­site that would both be visu­al­ly appeal­ing as well as per­form well from a SEO per­spec­tive. We took a mobile-first approach to the site to ensure that the web­site would look pro­fes­sion­al as well as load quick­ly. A clear and con­cise nav­i­ga­tion was also need­ed to dif­fer­en­ti­ate between Col­orado BBQ’s two moun­tain loca­tions, one in Frisco and one in Fair­play. A num­ber of dynam­ic ele­ments of the web­site were cus­tom devel­oped to give us the abil­i­ty to quick­ly update both the hours of each restau­rant as well as their sim­i­lar but unique menus.

Operating Hours

In regards to the oper­at­ing hours, we devel­oped a new Word­Press back-end area to allow us to enter each loca­tions hours in one place on the web­site, but dynam­ic dis­play options would update the hours every­where on the web­site. Build­ing the web­site out in this man­ner gives us ulti­mate flex­i­bil­i­ty in how the hours are shown on the web­site. We can style them dif­fer­ent­ly in dif­fer­ent places, but the dynam­ic data allows for con­sis­tent dis­play of the hours to ensure accuracy.


For Col­orado BBQ’s menu, new post types were devel­oped for their var­i­ous menu areas. We devel­oped a series of meta fields that could be input so that there would be no design skills nec­es­sary in order to update the menu items — it is there­fore a breeze to update menu item descrip­tions and prices and saves us time when there are revi­sions to the menu. We also devel­oped “veg­e­tar­i­an” and “veg­an” icons that are eas­i­ly tog­gled on and off, so that we are being as inclu­sive and infor­ma­tive as pos­si­ble for Col­orado BBQ’s customers.

A Robust and Dynamic Contact Form

On top of all of the dynam­ic oper­at­ing hours and menus, we built out a robust con­tact form that would help answer any num­ber of ques­tions as it relates to Col­orado BBQ’s cater­ing capa­bil­i­ties. Instead of a basic intake form that would require Col­orado BBQ to reach out to the prospec­tive cater­ing cus­tomer with a num­ber of fol­low-up ques­tions, we ask a num­ber of these ques­tions when the cus­tomer selects “Cater­ing Request” as a drop­down field. These ques­tions ask about which loca­tion the cus­tomer would be pick­ing up from, the date, hours, nu,ber of atten­dees, and more. This saves both par­ties time and helps refine their exact spec­i­fi­ca­tions for the event.

SEO Performance

In just a few short months we were able to take Col­orado BBQ from no web pres­ence to the num­ber one list­ing for the “Col­orado BBQ” google search. Such a gener­ic search term com­petes with large media pub­li­ca­tions like 5280 and West­word, as well as any­where that might use “Col­orado BBQ” on their web­site (which is pret­ty much every BBQ joint in the whole state). Addi­tion­al­ly Col­orado BBQ ranks as the top busi­ness when some­one search­es more region­al­ly, like “frisco co bbq”. It’s a great ben­e­fit to the busi­ness to be rank­ing so high­ly in both gen­er­al and spe­cif­ic searches.