
Dos Luces Brewery Branding


Dos Luces Brewery





Dos Luces Brew­ery applies a mod­ern craft brew­ing process to Pre-Columbian fer­ment­ed bev­er­ages. They’re also one of the only brew­eries in the coun­try who brew Chicha (an Incan bev­er­age) and Pulque (made by the Aztecs, Maya, and others).

Own­ers Judd Bel­stock & Sam Alcaine want­ed to pay homage to the vibrant artis­tic tra­di­tions of Cen­tral & South Amer­i­ca to brand their unique brew­ery con­cept. We looked through count­less art col­lec­tions to find source mate­r­i­al to devel­op their visu­al iden­ti­ty. We focused on the sun & moon to ref­er­ence Inti (the Incan sun god, and the name of Dos Luces’ Chicha) & Met­ztli (the Aztec god­dess of the moon, and the name of their Pulque). The oth­er sym­bols in the brand­ing are also direct­ly pulled from the art­work of both cul­tures. Sil­ver and gold were select­ed as the col­ors for the brand­ing as they were exten­sive­ly mined and used for art in both Aztec & Incan culture.

The result­ing brand­ing pays trib­ute to these West­ern Hemi­sphere cul­tures that thrived for thou­sands of years, while also inte­grates Dos Luces into the cur­rent craft brew­ing culture.

Peruvian Incan Holy Figure Mask - "Apu Inti"
One of the exam­ples of source mate­r­i­al for the Dos Luces brand­ing, this is a Peru­vian Incan Holy Fig­ure Mask of Inti.