
StillWest Brewery & Grill Branding


StillWest Brewery & Grill





Still­West Brew­ery & Grill opened in Jack­son, Wyoming in 2018 in a brand-new cus­tom-built build­ing direct­ly across the street from the in-town ski hill Snow King. They brew 10 beers in their build­ing and Still­West­’s brew­house is vis­i­ble through a glass wall, right behind the bar. Their cov­ered patio has one of the pret­ti­est views of any brew­ery & restau­rant we’ve ever seen. Orig­i­nal­ly con­ceived as Still­Wa­ter Brew­ery, own­er Chaney Lan­ders decid­ed to pay trib­ute to Wyoming by chang­ing the name to Still­West — a ref­er­ence to the cow­boy his­to­ry of Wyoming and the nat­ur­al beau­ty of the Tetons. We select­ed their brand­ing to reflect this his­to­ry, and the W in the logo is extend­ed to evoke thoughts of a long­horn steer.

Initial Design Round

Before the name changed, we pre­sent­ed a num­ber of dif­fer­ent designs that we are also proud of. The first design is sim­i­lar to what we ulti­mate­ly end­ed up with. The 2nd design below has more of a badge look to it, and the 3rd design was intend­ed to rep­re­sent the Nation­al For­est sig­nage that is so preva­lent in the wilder­ness­es of the Unit­ed States.