
StillWest Custom Tap Handle Design


StillWest Brewery & Grill




Tap Handle Design

Devel­oped designs for cus­tom tap han­dles for Still­West Brew­ery & Grill. We had an idea of the design aes­thet­ic the client was look­ing for, and that it had to fit the style of their brand new build­ing that was cus­tom built in Jack­son, Wyoming. We also worked with a few dif­fer­ent prod­uct design­ers to come up with a quote for build­ing these cus­tom designs. Final fab­ri­ca­tion was done by Ben Aste of Fort Collins, Col­orado. Still­West “W” icon was cut out of steel using a water­jet, and “Still­West” text logo was etched/burned with a laser.

Other proposed designs

Some of the pro­posed designs from the first round of design. Client ulti­mate­ly chose a mod­i­fied ver­sion of the top left design.