Project Type: Website

Tiemeier & Stich Website

Tiemeier & Stich Website

This is the third web­site we’ve devel­oped over the last 10 years for Tiemeier & Stich, a law firm in Col­orado & Mon­tana. Each time we build a new site for them, Fer­mentable Sug­ar LLC updates their web­site to fit new stan­dards in web devel­op­ment & tech­nol­o­gy. This newest iter­a­tion is a visu­al­ly appeal­ing site […]

Brewhouse Coffee Website

Brewhouse Coffee Website

We built a straight­for­ward long-scrolling one page web­site for Brew­house Cof­fee. The top sec­tion fea­tured a cus­tom devel­oped “lat­te art” cof­fee image that fea­tures the Teton moun­tain range (instead of a flower or a heart, etc.). The typog­ra­phy match­es the Brew­house­’s brand­ing, stan­dard­iz­ing their visu­al iden­ti­ty & mar­ket­ing across both print & dig­i­tal spaces. We’ve […]

Headwaters Strategies Website

Headwaters Strategies Website

Fer­mentable Sug­ar was approached by Head­wa­ters Strate­gies to build a new web­site for them to replace the 10 year old site they had orig­i­nal­ly built them­selves when they start­ed their Pub­lic Affairs Con­sult­ing agency. Our goal was to bet­ter com­mu­ni­cate what Head­wa­ters Strate­gies does for their clients and how they work in Col­orado through strategic […]

StillWest Brewery & Grill Website

StillWest Brewery & Grill Website

We devel­oped the Still­West Brew­ery & Grill web­site to show­case their incred­i­ble new build­ing, their 10 beers brewed in-house, cus­tom cock­tail pro­gram, and approach­able yet refined food. We want­ed to give poten­tial cus­tomers an easy way to find out about every­thing Still­West offers and what to expect before step­ping foot in the door. The website […]

The Grateful Gnome Website

The Grateful Gnome Website

The Grate­ful Gnome is a craft brew­ery, a New Jer­sey-style deli, and a music venue, all wrapped into one. Delayed by a neigh­bor­ing build­ing scaf­fold­ing col­lapse, The Grate­ful Gnome took far longer to open than antic­i­pat­ed. As they got ready to open, we helped the out by devel­op­ing a web­site for them quick­ly and efficiently […]

Atom Brewing Company Website

Atom Brewing Company Website

The Atom Brew­ing Com­pa­ny web­site was built to help main­tain Atom­’s old-world brew­ing sense of style. We worked with the own­ers to devel­op writ­ten con­tent that serves as their “online man­i­festo” and bet­ter explains what Atom is all about — they aren’t brew­ing hazy hop-bomb IPAs, and we want­ed to be able to com­mu­ni­cate that. […]

Hillel of Colorado Website

Hillel of Colorado Website

Fer­mentable Sug­ar worked with 501(c)3 non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion Hil­lel of Col­orado to build a detailed web­site ded­i­cat­ed to Jew­ish Cam­pus Life at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Den­ver & Col­orado State Uni­ver­si­ty. The web­site has a dual pur­pose — to con­nect with the stu­dents who are part of Hil­lel of Col­orado, and as an out­reach tool to their […]

Mind Your Body TV Website

Mind Your Body TV Website is the brain­child of South­ern Cal­i­­for­­nia-based jour­nal­ist, pro­duc­er, and video host­ess Stephanie Stephens. It hosts a series of videos and blog posts that cater to the over 45 crowd — includ­ing videos on health, beau­ty, fash­ion, celebri­ties, diet & nutri­tion, fit­ness, per­son­al finance & retire­ment, and more. Stephanie has inter­viewed count­less celebri­ties & other […]

C Squared Ciders Website

C Squared Ciders Website

We worked with C Squared Ciders to devel­op a thor­ough web­site devot­ed to their Col­orado cidery. Orig­i­nal­ly locat­ed in Den­ver’s RiNo neigh­bor­hood, and co-locat­ed with Bier­stadt Lager­haüs and The Rack­house, C Squared’s ciders are well-brewed and award-win­n­ing. Fer­mentable Sug­ar worked close­ly with C Squared’s own­ers to take orig­i­nal pho­tog­ra­phy for the web­site and devel­op the […]