Client: The Rackhouse

Bierstadt Lagerhaus Food Menu Photography

Bierstadt Lagerhaus Food Menu Photography

When The Rack­house & Bier­stadt Lager­haus rolled out a new food menu in Jan­u­ary 2020, we were hired to take some attrac­tive pho­tos of their Ger­­man-inspired fare. The most imme­di­ate need was to get their Toast Tab online order­ing site online, but these pho­tos can be used for a num­ber of dif­fer­ent uses, includ­ing social […]

The Rackhouse Website

The Rackhouse Website

When The Rack­house moved to Den­ver’s RiNo neigh­bor­hood in 2015, we rebuilt their web­site to bet­ter match the fan­tas­tic build-out they did on an old ware­house. Like all of the web­sites Fer­mentable Sug­ar builds, we used the same type­face The Rack­house uses in their brand­ing for their head­ers. We devel­oped a very detailed and in-depth […]

The Rackhouse Branding

The Rackhouse Branding

Orig­i­nal­ly sit­u­at­ed “in the bosom of Stranahan’s Col­orado Whiskey Dis­tillery”, The Rack­house is a Den­ver restau­rant now locat­ed in the trendy RiNo neigh­bor­hood in Cen­tral Den­ver. A rack­house is the loca­tion of a dis­tillery where they age whiskey in charred White Amer­i­can Oak bar­rels. Fer­mentable Sug­ar devel­oped retro brand­ing that reflect­ed the Rack­house Pub’s unique […]

Touchdowns for Tomorrow 2013

Touchdowns for Tomorrow 2013

Doc­u­men­tary Video We filmed and edit­ed this doc­u­men­tary the Touch­downs For Tomor­row Triv­ia Fundrais­er fea­tur­ing for­mer Den­ver Bron­cos start­ing line­backer Wes­ley Wood­yard, whose char­i­ty was the ben­e­fi­cia­ry of fundrais­ing efforts for the evening. [arve url=“”] Oth­er Event Mar­ket­ing efforts Helped orga­nize & pro­mote the event at the Rack­house Pub, sell­ing it out.

Film on the Rocks 2013

Film on the Rocks 2013

Pre-Film Video Ad Ads like this were cus­tomized to play before each film. We worked with won­der­ful pro­fes­sion­al voiceover actor Heather Capri to update the video ad with a fun snip­pet of audio that would relate to the movie, as well as relate to the peo­ple who bought tick­ets for the movie. With­out a bud­get to […]

Colorado Distillers Festival Branding

Colorado Distillers Festival Branding

The Col­orado Dis­tillers Fes­ti­val was an annu­al event held at The Rack­house Pub. We invit­ed all mem­bers of the Col­orado Dis­tillers Guild and donat­ed a por­tion of the pro­ceeds back to the guild. Fer­mentable Sug­ar was respon­si­ble for devel­op­ing all mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als for the event, pro­mot­ing it in both print and on social media, as […]

Save Our Strange Beer Festival

Save Our Strange Beer Festival

Doc­u­men­tary Video We filmed and edit­ed this doc­u­men­tary about Strange Craft Beer Com­pa­ny and their founder & own­er Tim Myers. [arve url=“”] Oth­er Event Mar­ket­ing efforts Helped orga­nize & pro­mote the Save Our Strange Beer Fes­ti­val at the Rack­house Pub, to help Strange Craft Beer Com­pa­ny to fight a friv­o­lous law­suit brought against them. The sold […]