
Film on the Rocks 2013


The Rackhouse




Event Marketing

Pre-Film Video Ad

Ads like this were cus­tomized to play before each film. We worked with won­der­ful pro­fes­sion­al voiceover actor Heather Capri to update the video ad with a fun snip­pet of audio that would relate to the movie, as well as relate to the peo­ple who bought tick­ets for the movie. With­out a bud­get to devel­op a unique live-action video for each week (or even for 1 ad), this slide-based design allowed us to stay under bud­get as well as cus­tomize the ad weekly.

[arve url=“https://youtu.be/yZl3AqOpea4”]

Other marketing efforts

The Rack­house Pub ran week­ly con­tests to give away free tick­ets on the VIP Par­ty Bus that went round-trip from the bar, and we col­lect­ed an email list and ran the con­test week­ly. We devel­oped print posters and ran an exten­sive social media cam­paign to raise awareness.