The Rackhouse Website


The Rackhouse





When The Rack­house moved to Den­ver’s RiNo neigh­bor­hood in 2015, we rebuilt their web­site to bet­ter match the fan­tas­tic build-out they did on an old ware­house. Like all of the web­sites Fer­mentable Sug­ar builds, we used the same type­face The Rack­house uses in their brand­ing for their headers.

We devel­oped a very detailed and in-depth Pri­vate Par­ty area that allows a cus­tomer to sub­mit a con­tact form that helps The Rack­house col­lect all the data for the event. Once the con­tact form is sub­mit­ted, a tem­po­rary cal­en­dar event is added to their pri­vate Google Cal­en­dar that helps the Rack­house eas­i­ly see what is sched­uled and what is pos­si­bly hap­pen­ing. After a date & time is con­firmed, the cus­tomer can pay their deposit online, and then select what food they’re going to order for the event (with a price for every­thing, as well). Hav­ing such a stream­lined process allows The Rack­house to more eas­i­ly man­age this lucra­tive and impor­tant seg­ment of their business.