
Save Our Strange Beer Festival


The Rackhouse




Event Marketing

Documentary Video

We filmed and edit­ed this doc­u­men­tary about Strange Craft Beer Com­pa­ny and their founder & own­er Tim Myers.

[arve url=“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHJviyIqjs4”]

Other Event Marketing efforts

Helped orga­nize & pro­mote the Save Our Strange Beer Fes­ti­val at the Rack­house Pub, to help Strange Craft Beer Com­pa­ny to fight a friv­o­lous law­suit brought against them. The sold out event was rais­ing mon­ey for them to afford legal fees to fight for their name. Strange even­tu­al­ly set­tled with the oth­er busi­ness and donat­ed the mon­ey to char­i­ty. We helped with event pro­mo­tion in print & in social media, help­ing to sell tick­ets, and work­ing to exe­cute a flaw­less­ly smooth beer fes­ti­val at the Rack­house Pub